Our Focus
A mix of large and small group activities will focus on how to design instruction for English learners (ELs) that addresses two critical needs: language and content development.
Week 2
Engage in hands-on activities to apply Week 1 teachings to a low intermediate proficiency lesson designed for ELs based on Amanda Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb.” Then apply what you’ve learned to critique and strengthen lessons of your choice.
Week 1
Experience a higher language proficiency lesson in literacy designed for ELs based on The Gettysburg Address. Explore assorted research-based instructional activities that engage ELs in content and language development.
Week 3
Experience a model mathematics lesson designed for ELs. Explore a sequence of research-based, instructional activities to engage ELs in robust levels of discussions and reasoning about math tasks.
Featured Presenters
Lydia Stack
Jane Roy
Susan Pimentel
Dr. Harold Asturias
Chonda Long
Register Below
The EL Training Institute is open to all AEFLA (Adult Education and Family Literacy Act) supported adult educators.
We invite you to sign up for this virtual training as a state- or local-program team –or as an individual AEFLA adult educator. Note: individual registrants must be part of a program funded under the provisions of AEFLA WIOA (U.S. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 2014). If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Nicole Bravo: nbravo@standardswork.org.
EL Institute Training #1
Week 1: January 10 & 12
Week 2: January 17 & 19
Week 3: January 24 & 26
11:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET
EL Institute Training #2
Week 1: March 7 & 9
Week 2: March 14 & 16
Week 3: March 21 & 23
11:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET
EL Institute Training #3
Week 1: May 2 & 4
Week 2: May 9 & 11
Week 3: May 16 & 18
11:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET